Fiber-cement plates
Concrete panels
Ceramic panels
Veneered panels
HPL panles
Rock fiber panels


Max Exterior from FunderMax, is a highly durable exterior wall cladding product that is constantly undergoing further development to ensure both of these aspects can be depended upon. Just as the range of rainscreen applications is becoming increasingly diverse, so the range of decors is also continually achieving new dimensions in terms of nuances and variety. Now you can even choose your very own ‘individual’ décor for your rainscreen cladding so that you can really express your creativity. FunderMax exterior wall cladding collection remains true to its success factors and, whatever décor is used, will always stand for consistent protection and uncompromis-ing strength. As a contemporary, cost effective rainscreen facade it is resistant to all external influences.
Material: Polyurethane-acrylic resins
Surface: Smooth and matte; colour, wooden or metalic layer
Dimensions: Width: 1850 mm; Height: 4100 mm
Thickness:: 8 and 15 mm
Material class:Non-combustible, not fire spreading
Application: Facade cladding (aluminium subframe), luxury interiors
